Slides of both conferences of 26 november & 17 December

On Wednesday the 17th of December, David Over & Stephan Hartmann made a presentation in Paris ” Modèles de la Rationalité”, at the Cité des Sciences (Lutin, CHArt).

You will find below the slides of their presentation

Over Hartmann

On Wednesday the 26th of November,  Paulina Forma gave a talk in EPHE ” Modèles de la Rationamité”, at the EPHE.

You will find below the slides of her presentation


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December 17: Séminaires Modèles de la rationalité. Cité des sciences et de l’industrie de la Villette, Salle Jean Painlevé, 9h.

Organizing Committee : Jean Baratgin, Marc Bui & Sacha Bourgeois Gironde


9h Introduction Jean Baratgin CHArt (PARIS)

9h10 – David Over, Durham University
The « defective » truth table : Its past, present, and future.

In the so-called « defective » truth table, a conditional, if p then q, is held to be true in the p & q cell, false in the p & not-q cell, and to have some other, third value in the not-p cells. Wason (1966) was the first psychologist to refer to what came to be known as the « defective » truth table, although he did not use the term « defective » for it. Johnson-Laird & Tagard (1969) said more about it, and noted that it had been proposed earlier by the philosophers Quine (1959) and Kneale & Kneale (1969). Johnson-Laird & Wason (1970) appear to have been the first psychologists to use the term « defective » for the table. We will point out that this table was proposed much earlier by de Finetti (1936) and discuss why it should be called the « de Finetti » table. We will also address a surprisingly neglected question in the psychology of reasoning, « What exactly is the third value ? » We will quickly summarize our recent research which interprets the third value as uncertainty. We will argue that future research should refine this notion of uncertainty into degrees of probability. The new focus should be on the « Jeffrey » table, in which the uncertainty value in the not-p cells becomes the conditional probability of q given p, P(q|p).

9h 50 – Igor Douven, Sciences, Normes, Décision (SND)
Vagueness, Graded Membership, and Conceptual Spaces.

This paper is concerned with a version of Kamp and Partee’s account of graded membership that relies on the conceptual spaces framework. Five experiments are reported, two to construct a particular shape space, two to detect which shapes representable in that space are typical for certain sorts of objects, and one to elicit degrees of membership for the various shapes from which the shape space was constructed. Assuming Kamp and Partee’s proposal, the first four experiments yield predictions regarding the degrees to which people will judge the shapes in the shape space to be members of certain classes. These predictions are confronted with the degrees observed in the last experiment, thereby yielding a test of the account of graded membership at issue. The outcome of this confrontation supports the conceptual spaces version of Kamp and Partee’s account of graded membership.

10h 30 – Stephan Hartmann, Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy
Bayesian Argumentation.

I will sketch a Bayesian theory of argumentation. According to this theory, an agent has prior beliefs about some propositions A, B,. . . These beliefs are represented by a probability distribution P. The agent then learn the premisses of an argument from some information source. She may, for example, learn that A is the case and that A implies B. This amounts to the following constraints on the agent’s new probability distribution P’ : P’(A) = 1 and P’(B|A) = 1. The full new probability distribution is then determined by minimization of the Kullback-Leibler divergence between P’ and P. One then obtains P’(B) = 1 as one would expect from modus ponens. In a similar way, one can examine the inference patterns modus tollens, affirming the consequent, and denying the antecedent. This approach can be generalized in many respects. The agent may, for example, not fully trust the source that A is true and only assign a very high new probability to A (in the case of modus ponens). Or she may have beliefs about a disabling condition D that inhibits B. In this case she only learns (or so I argue) that P’(B|A and non-D) = 1 where the variable D has to be properly integrated into a causal Bayes net. Finally one may want to study alternatives to the Kullback-Leibler divergence and explore what follows from these measures. All this will, or so I hope, nicely connect to empirical studies.

11 h 10 Yan Ping Xin, Dept. of Educational Studies Purdue University
A Preliminary Discourse Analysis of Constructivist-Oriented Mathematics Instruction for a Student with Learning Disabilities.

Reform efforts in mathematics education arose, in part, in response to constructivist works on conceptual learning. However, little research has examined how students with learning disabilities (LD) respond to constructivist-oriented instruction in mathematics,
particularly in moment-to-moment interactions. To understand the nature of constructivist–oriented mathematics instruction involving students with LD, we conducted a case study to analyze teacher-student interactions during constructivist-oriented small group instruction involving a student with LD. The student demonstrated, to a certain degree, the ability to reason mathematically when provided with appropriate opportunities and prompting. However, given the limited intervention time, his reasoning and problem solving did not seem to go beyond the semiconcrete level of operation, which may have inhibited his solving of complex word problems with large numbers. Findings indicate that more efforts are needed to support students, those with LD in particular, in their transitions from concrete/semiconcrete to abstract conceptual understanding and problem solving. During the presentation, I will also discuss potential future analyses of how teacher-student discourse moves impact on students’ reasoning and problem solving.

It will take place in Paris, at:

Cité des sciences et de l’industrie de la Villette, Salle ean Painlevé, level -1
30, avenue Corentin Cariou 75019 Paris

Nearest metro station: Porte de la Villette.

You can download the announcement in pdf format below:



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December 3, International Seminar “Paradigms in the social sciences – present and future” Jan Kochanowski University (UJK) in Kielce, Poland

International Seminar

“Paradigms in the social sciences – present and future”


Scope: Very often the researcher is interested in determining laws of functioning of a research object. To achieve this he uses a variety of object analysis. Depending on preference, the researcher may apply a naturalistic, system or reductive approach. A common feature of all of these approaches is to replace the subject of study by a model that allows for an explanation of the essential characteristics of the research object. For various reasons any such model is simplification of the reality.  Analyzing the current trends of social research is necessary to introduce new paradigms allowing to take into account the dynamics of the development of society. The of this seminar is to provide an accessible introduction to new methodological trends used in pedagogy, psychology, sociology and to help researchers, Ph.D. students and students to use them.

1. Anna Kieszkowska*

“Perspektywy paradygmatyczne   i metodologiczne  w badaniach społecznych.’’

*Instytut Pedagogiki i Psychologii, UJK w Kielcach, Kielce, Poland.

 2. Jean Baratgin*, Cruz, N & Jamet, F.

 “New Psychological Paradigm for reasoning: A Finettian approach ”

*Université Paris 8, CHArt – Cognitions Humaines & Artificielle EA 4004, Université de Paris 8 & EPHE, Paris. France.

3. Soledad Quero*

“Butler system”

*University Jaume I in Castelló, Spain.

4. Frank Jamet* & Baratgin, J.

 “Schooling of pupils in special educational needs: the French model”

“Piaget and his work”

*Université de Cergy-Pontoise, CHArt – Cognitions Humaines & Artificielle EA 4004, Université de Paris 8 & EPHE. Paris, France.

5. Justyna Dobrołowicz*

“Paradygmat interpretatywny w jakościowych badaniach społecznych”

*Instytut Pedagogiki i Psychologii, UJK w Kielcach.

6. Frank Jamet* & Baratgin, J.

“Piaget and his work”

*Université de Cergy-Pontoise, CHArt – Cognitions Humaines & Artificielle EA 4004, Université de Paris 8 & EPHE. Paris, France.

7. Darya Fiatova*

“Synteza modeli procesów społecznych w warunkach niekreśloności”

*Instytut Pedagogiki i Psychologii, UJK w Kielcach, Kielce, Poland

8. Charles El-Nouty*

“On sample selection”

*Université Paris 13, LAGA. Villetaneuse, France.

9. Roberto Vardisio*

“Digital maturity”

*Entropy Knowledge Network, Rome, Italy.


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CHART Seminary / Wednesday, November 26, 2014 (9h to 11h30; Bâtiment de France, Room 117)

Environmental conditions of multi-child families functioning: exogenous and endogenous factors analysis

Paullina Forma*  and Bożena Matyjas**

* Associated professor, Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, UJK
** Professor, Scientific Dean of Pedagogy and Art Faculty, University of Jan Kochanowski


Abstract. A multi-child family constitutes a focus of interest of different fields of study in our times. In our studies [1 – 3] the family is being introduced in the category of the family of the origin and in the synergy of influences: the multifactor and the interdisciplinary presentation. From one side depicting the dimension for its inside, that is a specific influence on inborn characteristics of children (the preciousness, the relation, the defenselessness, the immaturity and the imperfection) and far-reaching effects to their social development: the school (school career). From the other side examinations concern the aspect outside: for example that is of the legal aspect, mainly political (social policy, diversified normative acts, and in them the stigmatization or the model), economic (portraying large families as the economic calculation, among others applying the determination E. Tarkowska juwenilization of poverty, pauperization, social exclusion, alienation, marginalization), social, cultural and demographic which we are getting in examinations to the common denominator categories are which of antinomy. Idea, applications of comprehending the antinomy is correlating with the certain type of the self-reference and the descriptive approach towards this problem. From here in the context of functioning of a large family we are not trying at all costs to eliminate the antinomy, but describing them.

Keywords: multi-child family, environmental conditions, exogenous and endogenous factors, rational thinking


Forma P., (2001) Rodzina wielodzietna jako środowisko wychowawczo-eduakcyjne. Diagnoza i możliwości wsparcia (na przykładzie województwa świętokrzyskiego), Polska

Forma P., (2013) Rodzina wielodzietna – analiza polityki społecznej i badań pedagogicznych, Praca Socjalna, nr 5, ss. 25-45

МMatyjas B., (2008) Dzieciństwo w kryzysie. Etiologia zjawiska, Polska


Bâtiment le France / Salle 117 de 9h à 11h30; 90 Avenue de France, 75013 Paris
(Métro : Quai de la Gare)

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Welcome to Professors Bożena Matyjas and Paulina Forma

PARIS Reasoning is very pleased to welcome to Professor Bożena Matyjas – vice-dean of Faculty of Pedagogics and Art, full professor, HDR in Pedagogy, Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce (Poland) and the associate Paulina Forma – Ph.D. in Pedagogy, associate professor, Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, Faculty of Pedagogics and Art, Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce (Poland) from 22 to 26 November 2014.

The main research of  Professor Bożena Matyjas is Pedagogical and social prof BMatyjasproblems of modern families.


dr Paulina FormaThe associate professor Paulina Forma is a specialist of Pedagogical and social problems of multi-child families.

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Welcome to Professors Stavroula Samartzi and Anna Madoliou

PARIS Reasoning is very pleased to welcome Anna Madoglou, Professor of Social Psychology and Stavroula Samartzi Professor of Cognitive Development, Department of Psychology, Panteion University, Greece; from 21 to 27 September 2014.

Anna MadogloThe research interests of Professor Anna Madoglou focus on the processes of social thought, the way it is constructed and its functions, through the approach of social representations and social memory.



Professsor Stavroula Samartzi is a specialist of the temporal reasoning in the context of a developmental approach. Her work focus onthe relationships between time and number,  between time, speed and space, and also time and emotions.


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CHART Seminary / Jeudi 25 septembre 2014 de 10h à 12h30

Stavroula Samartzi, Professor of Psychology-Cognitive Development, Panteion University, Athènes

Time in Narratives: Logical and experiential aspects

Abstract. In cognitive psychological research, time includes two main subcategories: experiential (temporal experiences), and logical (temporal reasoning). Our research focuses on estimations of experiential and logical time in narrative text reading in relation to emotion. In Study One, participants read an emotionally positive and a negative text and the actual and estimated duration of the reading activity were compared. Results showed that the duration of reading the unpleasant text was overestimated, as compared to the pleasant one. In Study Two, participants of Study One were asked to read another positive or negative text, but this time they were asked to estimate the duration of the described events in the text (logical time). Results showed that, although participants again garnered emotion information from text, this did not affect their estimations of the narrative events’ duration, thus revealing that time and emotion are differently intertwined in the case of narrative text reading


Bâtiment le France / Salle 117 de 10h à 12h30; 90 Avenue de France, 75013 Paris
(Métro : Quai de la Gare)


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Welcome to Nicole Cruz

Nicole - CopyPARIS Reasoning is very pleased to welcome Nicole Cruz that is Ph.D. student, Birkbeck, University of London (UK) and EPHE, Paris (France). Nicole works on The psychology of reasoning under uncertainty.

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A conference on the perception of coincidences

During the Marathon des Sciences, we had the opportunity to present a talk about the perception of coincidences [in French only]. The Marathon des Sciences is a one-day yearly event, taking place in Fleurance (France). It promotes the diffusion of science to the largest audience. This year, the main topic was randomness.

Thanks to, all the conferences are now available on YouTube.

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Ongoing online experiment

We just launched a short online experiment about number guessing (here). The test would take no more than a few minutes of your time. Note however that it’s only available in French.

We would be thankful if you would accept to participate, have other (adult) people participate, or share the link on the social networks.

Information about the test rationale and results will be available on this website as soon as possible (hopefully within weeks, with your help).

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