CHART Seminary / Wednesday, November 26, 2014 (9h to 11h30; Bâtiment de France, Room 117)

Environmental conditions of multi-child families functioning: exogenous and endogenous factors analysis

Paullina Forma*  and Bożena Matyjas**

* Associated professor, Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, UJK
** Professor, Scientific Dean of Pedagogy and Art Faculty, University of Jan Kochanowski


Abstract. A multi-child family constitutes a focus of interest of different fields of study in our times. In our studies [1 – 3] the family is being introduced in the category of the family of the origin and in the synergy of influences: the multifactor and the interdisciplinary presentation. From one side depicting the dimension for its inside, that is a specific influence on inborn characteristics of children (the preciousness, the relation, the defenselessness, the immaturity and the imperfection) and far-reaching effects to their social development: the school (school career). From the other side examinations concern the aspect outside: for example that is of the legal aspect, mainly political (social policy, diversified normative acts, and in them the stigmatization or the model), economic (portraying large families as the economic calculation, among others applying the determination E. Tarkowska juwenilization of poverty, pauperization, social exclusion, alienation, marginalization), social, cultural and demographic which we are getting in examinations to the common denominator categories are which of antinomy. Idea, applications of comprehending the antinomy is correlating with the certain type of the self-reference and the descriptive approach towards this problem. From here in the context of functioning of a large family we are not trying at all costs to eliminate the antinomy, but describing them.

Keywords: multi-child family, environmental conditions, exogenous and endogenous factors, rational thinking


Forma P., (2001) Rodzina wielodzietna jako środowisko wychowawczo-eduakcyjne. Diagnoza i możliwości wsparcia (na przykładzie województwa świętokrzyskiego), Polska

Forma P., (2013) Rodzina wielodzietna – analiza polityki społecznej i badań pedagogicznych, Praca Socjalna, nr 5, ss. 25-45

МMatyjas B., (2008) Dzieciństwo w kryzysie. Etiologia zjawiska, Polska


Bâtiment le France / Salle 117 de 9h à 11h30; 90 Avenue de France, 75013 Paris
(Métro : Quai de la Gare)

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