Back from Normandie

Fourth Japanese-French meeting: BTAFDOC (5th-7th september 2013)

Program : fourth-japanese-french-meeting-btafdoc

Here are some pictures taken during the three-days workshop in Normandie, France (5th-7th september, 2013). The workshop was held in a nice place by the seaside near Fécamp. We discussed conditional reasoning, causality, tautologies, developmental aspects of reasoning, and p-validity. Jean Baratgin who took the photographs, Hiroko Nakamura and Yoshimasa Majima were also there.

Masasi Hattori

Masasi Hattori

The beach near Fécamp

The beach near Fécamp
David Over in front of the cliffs of Normandie David Over in front of the cliffs of Normandie

(From left to right) Jean-Louis Stilgenbauer, David Over, Frank Jamet, Nicolas Gauvrit (hidden), Ikiko Hattori, Masasi Hattori

(From left to right) Jean-Louis Stilgenbauer, David Over, Frank Jamet, Nicolas Gauvrit (half hidden), Ikuko Hattori, Masasi Hattori

The cliff

The cliff

Nobody from the workshop

Nobody from the workshop.


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