On this page, you will find information about media diffusion related to our team (starting 2015). Icons are used to identify types of event, as follow:
January 22d. Pascal Waggner-Egger and Nicolas Gauvrit gave a talk about belief in conspiracy theories at “Science Po”, Paris (link).
January 26th. Nicolas Gauvrit participated in a roundtable with Daniel Tammet, Ivar Ekeland and Cédric Villani at the Grand Action movie theater, Paris. (link)
January 28th. Nicolas Gauvrit gave a talk about complexity and its application in psychology at the Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris. (link)
February 1st. Nicolas Gauvrit participated in a roundtable about genius at the auditorium of the Grand Palais, Paris (link)
February 19th. Nicolas Gauvrit gave a talk about gifted children at Nanterre University.
March 18th. Nicolas Gauvrit gave a talk about complexity and its applications to psychology at the EPHE.
March 16th. Nicolas Gauvrit talked about intelligence on France Inter (La Tête au Carré).
March 18th. Nicolas Gauvrit gave a talk about complexity and its applications to psychology at the Université de Marseille.
March 25th. Nicolas Gauvrit was interviewed about subjective probability in Slate
April 4th. Nicolas Gauvrit was interviewed about superstitions in Slate
April 20th. Nicolas Gauvrit was invited in “GMT+” at Radio Monaco to talk about superstitions.
April 20th. Nicolas Gauvrit published a paper in Le Monde about sex differences, together with Peggy Sastre, Claudine Junien, Franck Ramus, Magali Lavielle-Guida, Jacques Balthazart, Elena Pasquinelli, Michel Raymond and Charlotte Faurie.
April 29th. Nicolas Gauvrit was interviewed about good and bad luck in Slate
June 3rd. Nicolas Gauvrit animated a round table about autism at the Science & Literature Night, ENS, Paris.
June 6th. Nicolas Gauvrit, Sylvain Delouvée, Sebastian Dieguez, Pascal Wagner-Egger, Karen Douglas, Véronique Campion-Vincent and Gérald Bronner published a paper in Le Monde advocating for scientific programs on conspiracy theory beliefs. [read]
June 23rd. Nicolas Gauvrit took part in a press conference about sex differences in medicine at the Académie de Médecine, Paris.
January 14th. Nicolas Gauvrit was cited in an opinion article by Franck Ramus published online in the Huffington Post (link).
January 19th, 17h-18h. Nicolas Gauvrit was invited on “Fréquence Protestante” to talk about intelligence (Alternative theories of intelligence; What’s an IQ; Gifted children).
January, 21st, 9h-12h. Nicolas Gauvrit gave a talk in front of the staff of “La main à la pâte” about probability learning. ENS, Paris, France.
Gauvrit, N. (2015) Notre société accepte-t-elle encore le hasard ? La Croix (20/01).
Gauvrit, N. (2015) Qu’est-ce qu’une probabilité ? TDC. Textes et Documents pour la Classe, 1078, 14-17.
Gauvrit, N. (2015) Les surdoués plus anxieux que les autres? Pour la Science, 450.
February, 23th. Nicolas Gauvrit was invited by Stéphane Deligeorges in “Continent Science” (France Culture) to talk about causality, together with Isabelle Drouet and Max Kistler. 14h-14h55.
February, 24th. Nicolas Gauvrit gave a talk on special needs in education. ENS, Paris.
March, 5th. Nicolas Gauvrit was invited by Flavie Flament on RTL to talk about mathematical talent with Maximilien, a 10-year old mathematically gifted.
March, 11st. Nicolas Gauvrit gave a talk about algorithmic complexity and its applications to psychology. University of Nice, France.
Gauvrit, N. (2015) Question de vendredi 13. Atlantico (march 13th). [online]
March, 21st. Nicolas Gauvrit gave a talk about giftedness in Toulouse, France.
April, 11th. Nicolas Gauvrit gave a talk on gifted children in Sens, France.
April, 20th. Nicolas Gauvrit was invited on Radio Libertaire to talk about the perception of randomness.
Gauvrit, N. (2015) Comment optimiser ses chances aux jeux? Atlantico.
May, 24th. Nicolas Gauvrit talked about giftedness on Planète Douance, with Carlos Tinoco and Didier Poli.
Gauvrit, N. (forthcoming) Enfants à Haut Potentiel. Encyclopédie Universalis.
Gauvrit, N. (2015). Le paradoxe du petit échantillon. Pour la Science, 453, 22.
Jamet, F. (2015). L’inclusion : regard international. Journée de l’école inclusive. Rectorat de Basse-Normandie. 19 mai 2015 Caen : France.
June, 16th. Nicolas Gauvrit talked about sex differences in cognitive abilities. Amiens, France.
July, 1st. Nicolas Gauvrit will be invited on France Inter to talk about giftedness.
July, 1st. Nicolas Gauvrit. What is giftedness? Skeptics in the Pub. Paris, France.
September, 26th. Nicolas Gauvrit. What is giftedness? Mensa. Nantes, France.
Septembre, 30th. Nicolas Gauvrit. Complexity applied to psychology. Complex Systems Digital Campus. Online Conference.
October, 2d. Nicolas Gauvrit gave a talk about the perception of coïncidences (“Coïncidences? Je ne crois pas”). Gerarmer, France.
October, 5th. Gauvrit, N. Les conspirationnistes rejettent-ils le hasard? SciLog
October, 24th. Nicolas Gauvrit gave a talk about giftedness detection at Mensa France. Intelligence Day, Nantes, France.