
On this page, you will find information about media diffusion related to our team (starting 2015). Icons are used to identify types of event, as follow:

icone-journal Journal article

radio-ico Radio broadcast

conf-icone Conference

blogIcon Online or blog paper


conf-icone January 22d. Pascal Waggner-Egger and Nicolas Gauvrit gave a talk about belief in conspiracy theories at “Science Po”, Paris (link).

conf-icone January 26th. Nicolas Gauvrit participated in a roundtable with Daniel Tammet, Ivar Ekeland and Cédric Villani at the Grand Action movie theater, Paris. (link)

conf-icone January 28th. Nicolas Gauvrit gave a talk about complexity and its application in psychology at the Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris. (link)

conf-icone February 1st. Nicolas Gauvrit participated in a roundtable about genius at the auditorium of the Grand Palais, Paris (link)

conf-icone February 19th. Nicolas Gauvrit gave a talk about gifted children at Nanterre University.

conf-icone March 18th. Nicolas Gauvrit gave a talk about complexity and its applications to psychology at the EPHE.

radio-ico March 16th. Nicolas Gauvrit talked about intelligence on France Inter (La Tête au Carré).

conf-icone March 18th. Nicolas Gauvrit gave a talk about complexity and its applications to psychology at the Université de Marseille.

icone-journal  March 25th. Nicolas Gauvrit was interviewed about subjective probability in Slate

icone-journal   April 4th. Nicolas Gauvrit was interviewed about superstitions in Slate

radio-ico  April 20th. Nicolas Gauvrit was invited in “GMT+” at Radio Monaco to talk about superstitions.

icone-journal   April 20th. Nicolas Gauvrit published a paper in Le Monde about sex differences, together with Peggy Sastre, Claudine Junien, Franck Ramus, Magali Lavielle-Guida, Jacques Balthazart, Elena Pasquinelli, Michel Raymond and Charlotte Faurie.

icone-journal   April 29th. Nicolas Gauvrit was interviewed about good and bad luck in Slate

conf-icone June 3rd. Nicolas Gauvrit animated a round table about autism at the Science & Literature Night, ENS, Paris.

icone-journal   June 6th. Nicolas Gauvrit, Sylvain Delouvée, Sebastian Dieguez, Pascal Wagner-Egger, Karen Douglas, Véronique Campion-Vincent and Gérald Bronner published a paper in Le Monde advocating for scientific programs on conspiracy theory beliefs. [read]

conf-icone June 23rd. Nicolas Gauvrit took part in a press conference about sex differences in medicine at the Académie de Médecine, Paris.


icone-journal  January 14th. Nicolas Gauvrit was cited in an opinion article by Franck Ramus published online in the Huffington Post (link).

radio-ico  January 19th, 17h-18h. Nicolas Gauvrit was invited on “Fréquence Protestante” to talk about intelligence (Alternative theories of intelligence; What’s an IQ; Gifted children).

conf-icone January, 21st, 9h-12h. Nicolas Gauvrit gave a talk in front of the staff of “La main à la pâte” about probability learning. ENS, Paris, France.

icone-journal  Gauvrit, N. (2015) Notre société accepte-t-elle encore le hasard ? La Croix (20/01).

icone-journal  Gauvrit, N. (2015) Qu’est-ce qu’une probabilité ? TDC. Textes et Documents pour la Classe, 1078, 14-17.

icone-journal  Gauvrit, N. (2015) Les surdoués plus anxieux que les autres? Pour la Science, 450.

radio-ico  February, 23th. Nicolas Gauvrit was invited by Stéphane Deligeorges in “Continent Science” (France Culture) to talk about causality, together with Isabelle Drouet and Max Kistler. 14h-14h55.

conf-icone February, 24th. Nicolas Gauvrit gave a talk on special needs in education. ENS, Paris.

radio-ico  March, 5th. Nicolas Gauvrit was invited by Flavie Flament on RTL to talk about mathematical talent with Maximilien, a 10-year old mathematically gifted.

conf-icone March, 11st. Nicolas Gauvrit gave a talk about algorithmic complexity and its applications to psychology. University of Nice, France.

icone-journal  Gauvrit, N. (2015) Question de vendredi 13. Atlantico (march 13th). [online]

conf-icone March, 21st. Nicolas Gauvrit gave a talk about giftedness in Toulouse, France.

conf-icone April, 11th. Nicolas Gauvrit gave a talk on gifted children in Sens, France.

radio-ico  April, 20th. Nicolas Gauvrit was invited on Radio Libertaire to talk about the perception of randomness.

icone-journal  Gauvrit, N. (2015) Comment optimiser ses chances aux jeux? Atlantico.

radio-ico  May, 24th. Nicolas Gauvrit talked about giftedness on Planète Douance, with Carlos Tinoco and Didier Poli.

icone-journal  Gauvrit, N. (forthcoming) Enfants à Haut Potentiel. Encyclopédie Universalis.

icone-journal  Gauvrit, N. (2015). Le paradoxe du petit échantillon. Pour la Science, 453, 22.

conf-icone  Jamet, F. (2015). L’inclusion : regard international. Journée de l’école inclusive. Rectorat de Basse-Normandie. 19 mai 2015 Caen : France.

conf-icone June, 16th. Nicolas Gauvrit talked about sex differences in cognitive abilities. Amiens, France.

radio-ico July, 1st. Nicolas Gauvrit will be invited on France Inter to talk about giftedness.

conf-icone July, 1st. Nicolas Gauvrit. What is giftedness? Skeptics in the Pub. Paris, France.

conf-icone September, 26th. Nicolas Gauvrit. What is giftedness? Mensa. Nantes, France.

conf-icone Septembre, 30th. Nicolas Gauvrit. Complexity applied to psychology. Complex Systems Digital Campus. Online Conference.

conf-icone October, 2d. Nicolas Gauvrit gave a talk about the perception of coïncidences (“Coïncidences? Je ne crois pas”). Gerarmer, France.

blogIcon October, 5th. Gauvrit, N. Les conspirationnistes rejettent-ils le hasard? SciLog

conf-icone October, 24th. Nicolas Gauvrit gave a talk about giftedness detection at Mensa France. Intelligence Day, Nantes, France.