
In press

Baratgin, J. (in press). Le raisonnement humain: Une approche finettienne. Hermann Publishers. Paris.

Baratgin,  J.  &  Stilgenbauer,  J.-L. (sous presse). Patterns of defeasible inference in causal diagnostic judgment. In R. Viale (Ed.), Handbook on Bounded Rationality. Grande-Bretagne : Routledge Publishing House. pdf

Jacquet, B., & Baratgin, J. (sous presse). Mind-reading chatbots: W’re not there yet. Proceedings of 40th AnniversaryI nternational Conference on Human Interaction & Emerging Technologies (IHIET)-2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

Marie, A. (in press). Une explication naturaliste et évolutionniste de la morale à partir de la Moral Foundations Theory de Haidt et al., in Conscience et droit, dir. C. Puigelier & Ch. Tijus, Mare & Martin editions.

Soler, F., Zenil, H., Delahaye, J.-P., & Gauvrit, N. (Forthcoming). Computing Kolmogorov complexity for short strings: An alternative to compression algorithms. Berlin: Springer.

Vallin, V., Jamet, F. & Roumieux I. (in press). La notion d’âge chez des enfants présentant un trouble du développement intellectuel. Carrefour de l’éducation.


Baratgin, J., Dubois-Sage, M., Jacquet, B., Stilgenbauer, J.-L. & Jamet, F .(2020) Pragmatics in the False-Belief Task: Let the Robot Ask the Question! Front. Psychol. 11:593807. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.593807.

Jacquet, B., & Baratgin, J. (2020). Towards a Pragmatic Model of an Artificial Conversational Partner: Opening the Blackbox. In: Swiatek J., Borzemski L., & Wilimowska Z. (eds) . Proceedings of 40th Anniversary International Conference onInformation Systems Architecture and Technology (ISAT)-2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 17 , vol. 1051. Springer, Cham. pdf

Jamet, F., Lachaud, L. & Baratgin, J. (2020). Le Bonheur est dans la tête. In F. Durpaire (Ed.), Histoire Mondiale du Bonheur (pp. 413-418). Paris, France : Cherche-Midi. pdf

Jamet, F., Stilgenbauer, J.-L. & Baratgin, J. (2020). Transculturalité et complexité : Robot Nao et enseignement. In J. Oréfice (Ed). Les Essais Ecossais (pp. 189-215), no 17, Paris, France : AMHG. pdf

Politzer, G., Baratgin, J., Hattori, M., & Hattori, I. (2020). Objecting to uncertain conditional Sentences: Across-cultural study. In S. Elqayam, I. Douven, St. B. T. Evans, & Cruz, N. (Eds), Logic and Uncertainty in the Human Mind: A Tribute to David E. Over (pp. 161-177). Psychology Press : UK. pdf

Politzer, G., Jamet, F., & Baratgin, J. (2020). Children’s comprehension of conditional requests. In S. Elqayam, I. Douven, St. B. T. Evans, & Cruz, N. (Eds), Logic and Uncertainty in the Human Mind: A Tribute to David E. Over (pp. 133-158). Psychology Press : UK. pdf


Gauvrit, N., & Delouvée, S. (dir.) (2019). Des têtes bien faites.Défense de l’esprit critique. PUF.

Jacquet, B., Baratgin, J.,  & Jamet, F. (2019). Cooperation in Online Conversations: The Response Times as a Window into the Cognition of Language Processing . Frontiers in Psychology. DOI : 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00727.

Jacquet, B., Masson, O., Jamet, F., & Baratgin, J. (2019). On the lack of pragmatic processing in artificial conversational agents. In: Ahram T., Karwowski W., Taiar R. (eds) Human Systems Engineering and Design (IHSED 2018). Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 876, pp. 394-399. Springer, Cham. pdf

Jacquet, B., Hullin, A., Baratgin, J., & Jamet, F. (2019). The Impact of the Gricean Maxims of Quality, Quantity and Manner in Chatbots. International Conference on Information and Digital Technologies (IDT)-2017. Zilina, Slovakia, pp. 256-264. pdf

Jacquet, B., Masson, O., Jamet, F., & Baratgin, J. (2019). On the lack of pragmatic processing in artificial conversational agents. In: Ahram T., Karwowski W., and Taiar R. (eds) Human Systems Engineering and Design (IHSED 2018). Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 876, pp. 394-399. Springer, Cham. pdf

Kempe, V., Gauvrit, N., Gibson, A., & Jamieson, M. (2019). Adults are more efficient in creating and transmitting novel signalling systems than children. Journal of Language Evolution, 4, 44-70.

Stilgenbauer, J.-L., & Baratgin, J. (2019). Assessing the accuracy of diagnostic probability estimation : Evidence for defeasible modus ponens. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 105, 229-240. pdf

Vidal , M., & Perrin, D. (2019). Synthese, A default-free solution to the imperfective paradox, 196, 273-297. DOI 10.1007/s11229-017-1474-0 pdf

Wagner-Egger, P., Bronner, G., Delouvée, S., Dieguez, S., Gauvrit, N. (2019) Why ‘Healthy Conspiracy Theories’ Are (Oxy)morons: Statistical, Epistemological, and Psychological Reasons in Favor of the (Ir)Rational View. Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 8(3), 50-67.


Baratgin, J. (2018). Le nouveau paradigme psychologique de l’étude du raisonnement. In T. Collins, C. Tallon-Baudry & D. Andler (Eds.), La cognition : du neurone à la société (pp. 465-486). Paris, France : Gallimard. pdf

Baratgin, J., Jamet, F., & Puigelier, C. (2018). Burnout, une approche multidiciplinaire, une necessité ?. In F. Jamet, J. Baratgin, & C. Puigellier, (Eds.) Burnout, droit et Cognition (pp. 15-18). Le Mans, France : Les éditions du Borrégo.

Baratgin, J., Politzer, G., Over, D. E., & Takahaschi, T. (2018). The psychology of uncertainty and three-valued truth tables. Frontiers in Psychology. DOI : 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01479. pdf

Chekaf, M., Gauvrit, N., Guida, A., & Mathy, F. (2018). Compression in working memory and its relationship with fluid intelligence. Cognitive Science, 42, 904-922.

Dieguez, S., Wagner-Egger, P. , Gauvrit, N., & Delouvée, S. (2018). Creationism and conspiracism share a common teleological bias. Current Biology, 28(16), R867-R868.

Filatova, D., & Baratgin, J. (2018). Multi-agent social choice model and some related questions. 11th International Conference on Human System Interaction HSI’2018, 4-6 juillet 2018, Gdansk, Pologne, pp. 425-431. pdf

Gauvrit, N. (2018). Les surdoués sont-ils sous-doués pour le bonheur ? In H. Lhérété & J.-F. Marmion (dir.). Les troubles de l’enfant. (pp. 84-90). Paris : Éditions Sciences Humaines.

Gauvrit, N., & Mathy, F. (2018). Mathematical transcription of the TBRS model of working memory. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 71, 146-166.

Gauvrit, N., & Vannetzel, L. (2018). Dossier Haut Potentiel Intellectuel : Conclusion et recommandations. A.N.A.E., 154, 333.

Gauvrit, N., & Guez, A. (2018). Réussite scolaire et professionnelle des personnes à haut potentiel intellectuel. A.N.A.E., 154, 331-318.

Guez, A., Peyre, H., Le Cam, M., Gauvrit, N., & Ramus, F. (2018). Are high-IQ students more at risk of school failure?. Intelligence, 71, 32-40.

Jacquet, B., Baratgin, J. & Jamet, F. (2018). The Gricean Maxims of Quantity and of Relation in the Turing Test. 11th International Conference on Human System Interaction HSI’2018, 4-6 juillet 2018, Gdansk, Pologne, pp. 332-344. pdf

Jamet, F., Baratgin, J., & Puigelier, C. (2018). Burnout, droit et Cognition. Le Mans : Editions du Borrégo.

Jamet, F., & Baratgin, J. (2018). L’Effet de dotation : un outil diagnostique du Syndrome d’épuisement professionnel ?. In F. Jamet, J. Baratgin, & C. Puigellier, (Eds.) Burnout, droit et Cognition (pp. 93-113). Le Mans, France : Les éditions du Borrégo.

Jamet, F., Masson, O., Jacquet, B., Stilgenbauer, J.-L., & Baratgin, J. (2018). Learning by teaching with humanoid robot: a new powerful experimental tool to improve children’s learning ability. Journal of Robotics. pdf

Marie, A. (2018). Radicalisation, Dictionnaire des passions sociales, dir. G. Origgi, Presses Universitaires de France

Nakamura, H., Shao, J, Baratgin, J., Over, D. E., Takahashi, T., & Hiroshi, Y. (2018). Understanding conditionals in the East: A Replication study of Politzer et al. (2010) with Easterners. Frontiers in Psychology.

Stilgenbauer, J. L., & Baratgin, J. (2018). Étude des stratégies de raisonnement causal dans l’estimation de la probabilité diagnostique à travers un paradigme expérimental de production de règle [Study of causal reasoning strategies in estimating the diagnostic probability through an experimental rule-producing paradigm]. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology/Revue canadienne de psychologie expérimentale, 72(1), 58-70. pdf

Vidal, M. (2018). In the Mood for If. Logique et Analyse, 242, 125-150, DOI: 10.2143/LEA.242.0.3284747, pdf

Vannetzel, L., & Gauvrit, N. (2018). Dossier Haut Potentiel Intellectuel : Avant-Propos. A.N.A.E., 154, 255-258.


Baratgin, J., Coletti, G, Jamet, F., & Petturiti, D. (2017). Experimental evaluation of the understanding of qualitative probability and probabilistic reasoning in young children. In S. Benferht, K. Tabia, & M. Ali (Eds.), Advances in Artificial Intelligence: From Theory to Practice, Vol. 10351 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (pp. 559-568), Springer, Cham. pdf

Baratgin, J., Ocak, B., Bessaa, H., & Stilgenbauer, J.-L. (2017). Updating context in the Equation : An experimental argument with eye tracking. In M. B. Ferraro, P. Giordani, B. Vantagi, M. Gagolewski, M. Angeles Gil, P. Grzegorzewski, & O. Hryniewicz (Eds.), Soft Methods for Data Science, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Vol. 456 (pp. 25–33). Springer. pdf

Dancey, C. P., Reidy, J., Baggio, S., & Gauvrit, N. (2017). Stats sans maths pour la psychologie. Bruxelles : De Boeck Université.

Gauvrit, N., Houillon, J.-C., & Delahaye, J.-P. (2017). Generalized Benford’s law as a lie detector. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 13(2), 121-127. doi:10.5709/acp-0212-x.

Gauvrit, N., & Mathy, F. (2017), Mathematical transcription of the ‘time-based resource sharing’ theory of working memory. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology. doi:10.1111/bmsp.12112. researchgate

Gauvrit, N., Zenil, H., Soler-Toscano, F., Delahaye, J-P., &, Brugger, P. (2017). Human behavioral complexity peaks at age 25. PLoS Computational Biology 13(4): e1005408.

Gauvrit, N., Zenil, H., & Tegnér, J. (2017). The information-theoretic and algorithmic approach to human, animal and artificial cognition. In G. Dodig-Crnkovic & R. Giovagnoli (Eds.) Representation and Reality in Humans, Other Living Organisms and Intelligent Machines. Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics, vol 28. Springer, Cham. [arXiv]

Gauvrit, N., Soler-Toscano, F., & Guida, A. (2017). A preference for some types of complexity. Comment on “Perceived beauty of random texture patterns: a preference for complexity”. Acta Psychologica, 174, 48-53. 10.1016/j.actpsy.2017.01.007. researchgate

Gauvrit, N. (2017). L’esprit critique formalisé. In Marc Silberstein (dir.) Qu’est-ce que la science pour vous ? (pp. 101-106) Paris: Editions Matériologiques.

Hattori, I., Hattori, M., Over, D. E., Takahasshi, T., & Baratgin, J. (2017). Dual frames for causal induction: The normative and the heuristic. Thinking & Reasoning, 23(3), 292-317. pdf

Hattori, M., Over, D. E., Hattori, I., Takahashi, T., & Baratgin, J. (2017). Dual frames in causal reasoning and other types of thinking. In N. Galbraith, E. Lucas, & D. E. Over (EDS.), The Thinking Mind: A Festschrift for Ken Manktelow (pp. 98-114). Psychology Press: UK. pdf

Jamet, F., Baratgin, J., & Bearune, C. K. (2017). Effet de dotation approche développementale chez des enfants Kanak. In (S. Minvielle, Ed.) L’école calédonienne du destin commun (pp. 88-99). Nouméa : Presses Universitaires de Nouvelle-Calédonie & Centre de Documentation Pédagogique de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. pdf

Jamet, F. Baratgin, J., & Godin, P. (2017). Don, droit, coutume, cultures. Études expérimentales sur « l’effet de dotation ». In C. Puigelier, C. Tijus, & F. Jouen (Eds), Droit, décision et prise de décision (pp. 123-152). Paris, France : Mare et Martin (collection Science et Droit). pdf

Masson, O. , Baratgin, J., & Jamet, F. (2017). NAO robot, a social clues transmitter : what impacts ? The example with endowment effect. In s. Benferhat, K. Tabia, and M. Ali (Eds.), Advances in Artificial Intelligence: From Theory to Practice, Vol. 10351, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (pp. 559-568), Springer, Cham. pdf

Masson, O., Jamet, F., & Baratgin, J. (2017). NAO robot as experimenter: social cues emitter and neutralizer to bring new results in experimental psychology. International Conference on Information and Digital Technologies (IDT) (pp. 256-264). Zilina, Slovakia. pdf

Over, D. E., & Baratgin, J.  (2017). The “defective” truth table: Its past, present, and future. In N. Galbraith, E. Lucas, & D. E. Over (EDS.), The Thinking Mind: A Festschrift for Ken Manktelow (pp. 15-28). Abingdon, UK : Routledge. pdf

Stilgenbauer, J.-L., Baratgin, J., & Douven, I. (2017). Reasoning strategies for diagnostic probability estimates in causal contexts: Preference for defeasible deduction over abduction. Fourth International Workshop on Defeasible and Ampliative Reasoning (DARe) 2017 (July 3 2017.), International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (LPNMR) 2017. Espoo, Finland.

Vidal, M. (2017). A Compositional Semantics for ‘Even If’ Conditionals. Logic and Logical Philosophy, 26, 237-276. pdf

Vidal,  M. (2017). When Conditional Logic met Connexive Logic, Proceedings of IWCS 2017 long papers volume, ACL anthology W17-6816, connexive.pdf

Vidal, M., & Baratgin, J. (2017). A psychological study of unconnected conditionals. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 29(6), 769-781. pdf

Zenil, H., & Gauvrit, N. (2017) Algorithmic Cognition and the Computational Nature of the Mind. In: Meyers R. (eds) Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science (pp 1-9). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg


Lion, F., Houillon, J.-C., Gauvrit, N. (2016) Effets d’entraînements de la mémoire et de la production d’inférences dans la com- préhension de texte. A.N.A.E., 143, 456,465. researchgate

Baratgin, J. (2016). L’apport du droit à la psychologie du raisonnement : L’exemple du jugement probabiliste. In L’esprit au-delà du droit. Pour un dialogue entre les sciences cognitives et le droit (pp. 53-77), C. Puigelier, et C. Tijus. (Eds.). Mare et Martin (collection Science et Droit). pdf

Baratgin, J., & Politzer, G. (2016). Logic, probability and inference: a methodology for a new paradigm. In Cognitive Unconscious and Human Rationality (pp. 119-142). L. Macchi, M. Bagassi et R. Viale (Eds.), Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. pdf

Castelaine, T., Girotto, V., Jamet, F. & Mercier, H. (2016). Evidence for benefits of argumentation in a Mayan indigenous population. Evolution and Humain Behavior, 37, 337-342.

Cruz, N., Over, D., Oaksford, M., & Baratgin, J. (2016). Centering and the meaning of the conditional. In The annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (COGSCI-2016) Proceedings (pp. 104-109), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania : USA. pdf.

Dieguez, S., Bronner, G., Campion-Vincent, V., Delouvée, S., Gauvrit, N., Lantian, A., & Wagner-Egger, P. (2016). ‘They’ Respond: Comments on Basham et al.’s ‘Social Science’s Conspiracy-Theory Panic: Now They Want to Cure Everyone’. Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective, 5(12), 20-39.

Filatova, D., Bourgeois-Gironde, S. Baratgin, J., Jamet, F., & Shao, J. (2016). Cycles of maximin and utilitarian policies under the veil of ignorance. Mind & Society, 15(1), 105-116. pdf

Goussé V., Czernecki V., Denis P., Stilgenbauer J-L, Flores A., Deniau E., & Hartmann A., (2016). Impact of perceived stress and social support on coping strategies of parents having a child with Tourette syndrome. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing. 30, 100-113.

Masson, O., Baratgin, J., Jamet, Ruggieri, F., & Filatova, D., (2016). Use a robot to serve experimental psychology: Some examples of methods with children and adults. International Conference on Information and Digital Technologies (IDT-2016), (pp. 190-197), Rzeszow, Poland. pdf

Mathy, F., Fartoukh, M., Gauvrit, N., and Guida, A. (2016). Developmental abilities to form chunks in immediate memory and its non-relationship to span development. Frontiers in Psychology, 7:201. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00201 online

Peyre, H., Ramus, F., Melchior, M., Forhan, A., Heude, B., Gauvrit, N.  (2016). Emotional, behavioral and social difficulties among high-IQ children during the preschool period: Results of the EDEN mother–child cohort. Personality and Individual Differences, 94, 366-371. pdf

Politzer, G., & Baratgin, J. (2016). Deductive schemas with uncertain premisses using qualitative probability expressions. Thinking & Reasoning, 22(1), 78-98.  pdf

Vidal, M. (2016). A Compositional Semantics for ‘If Then’ Conditionals,. In Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics. Celebrating 20 Years of LACL (1996-2016) (pp 291-307), A. Maxime, P. de Groote, S. Pogodalla, & C. Retoré, Vol. 10054 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. pdf


Baratgin, J. (2015). Rationality, the Bayesian standpoint, and the Monty-Hall problem. New frontiers in Psychology, 6:1168. pdf

Baratgin, J., Douven, I., Evans, J. St.B. T., Oaksford, M., Over,  D. E., G., & Politzer, G.  (2015). The New Paradigm and Mental Models. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 19(10), 547–548. pdf

Battista, C., Gauvrit, N., & LeBel, E. (2015). Madness in the Method: Fatal Flaws in Recent Mediumship Experiments. In M. Martin & K. Augustine (Eds.) The Myth of an Afterlife. The Case against Life After Death. New York, NY: Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN: 978-0-8108-8677-3. [editor’s page]

Chekaf, M., Gauvrit, N., Guida, A., & Mathy, F. (2015). Chunking in working memory and its relationship to intelligence. Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Pasadena, California, July 23 – 25. [pdf]

Cruz, N., Baratgin, J., Oaksford, M., & Over, D. E. (2015). Bayesian reasoning with ifs and ands and ors. Frontiers in Psychology,  6:192. pdf

Dieguez, S., Wagner-Egger, P., & Gauvrit, N. (2015). “Nothing happens by accident”, or does it? A low prior for randomness does not explain belief in conspiracy theories. Psychological Science, 26(11), 1762-1770. doi:10.1177/0956797615598740. [link]

Gauvrit, N. (2015). A review of Bayesian methods, by Jeff Gill, zbMATH. [pdf]

Gauvrit, N., & Francfort, S. (2015). Can Emotions Effect Matter? An empirical test of Masaru Emotos hypothesis that emotions change nature. Skeptic, 20(2), 10-11.

Gauvrit, N. (2015). A review of “When learners surpass their models: mathematical modeling of learning from inconsistent source”, by Mandelshtam & Komarova. zbMATH. [pdf].

Gauvrit, N., Singmann, H., Soler-Toscano, F., & Zenil, H. (2015) Complexity for psychology.  A user-friendly implementation of the coding theorem method. Behavior Research Methods. doi: 10.3758/s13428-015-0574-3. [online first]

Kempe, V., Gauvrit, N., & Forsyth, D. (2015). Structure emerges faster during cultural transmission in children than in adults. Cognition, 136, 247-254. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2014.11.038 [preprint]

Masson, O., Baratgin, J., & Jamet, F. (2015). NAO robot and the “endowment effect”. IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts (ARSO-2015) (pp. 1-6). Lyon, France. pdf

Zenil, H., Soler-Toscano, F., Delahaye, J., & Gauvrit, N. (2015). Two-dimensional Kolmogorov complexity and an empirical validation of the Coding theorem method by compressibility. PeerJ Computer Science, 1:e23. [online]


Baratgin, J., Over, D.  E., & Politzer, G. (2014). New Psychological Paradigm for Conditionals: Its philosophy and psychology. Mind & Language, 29, 73-84. pdf

Conill, É., Stilgenbauer, J. L., Mouren, M. C., & Goussé, V. (2014). Rôle de la flexibilité cognitive dans la reconnaissance d’expressions émotionnelles chez les personnes atteintes de Troubles du Spectre Autistique. Annales Médico-psychologiques, 172(5), 392-395. [abstract]

Gauvrit, N. (2014). L’intimidation mathématique : quand le discours formel sert à impressionner. In V. Rasplus (dir.) Science et pseudosciences. Regards des sciences humaines. 155-165. Paris : Editions Matériologiques. [website]

Gauvrit, N. (2015). Précocité intellectuelle : un champ de recherches miné. ANAE. Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l’Enfant, 132/133, 527-534.

Gauvrit, N., & Morsanyi, K. (2014). The Equiprobability Bias from a mathematical and psychological perspective. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 10(4), 119-130. doi:10.5709/acp-0163-9  [preprint]

Gauvrit, N., Soler-Toscano, F., & Zenil, H. (2014). Natural scene statistics mediate the perception of image complexity. Visual Cognition22(8), 1084-1091. [preprint]

Gauvrit, N., Zenil, H., Delahaye, J.-P., & Soler-Toscano, F. (2014). Algorithmic Complexity for Short Binary Strings Applied to Psychology: A Primer. Behavior Research Methods, 46(3), 732-744. [abstract]

Gauvrit, N. (2014). Conceptions du hasard et biais probabilistes chez des enseignants du second degré : effet d’une formation courte. Statistique et Enseignement, 4(2), 53-66. [Online]

Gauvrit, N. (2014). A review of Gregory Francis’s “Replication, statistical consistency, and publication bias”. Zentralblatt MATH. [View online]

Gauvrit, N. (2014). A review of Friedman, Brown and Finkbeiner’s “Linking cognitive and reaching trajectories via intermittent movement control”. Zentralblatt MATH. [View online]

Gauvrit, N. (2014). Les surdoués ordinaires. Paris : Presses Universitaires de France.

Jamet, F., Baratgin, J., & Filatova, D.  (2014). Global warming and sea level rise: the intellect development study of preadolescents and adolescents from 11 to 15 years old. Studia Pedagogiczne, 24, 361-380. pdf

Soler-Toscano, F., Zenil, H., Delahaye, J.-P., & Gauvrit, N. (2014). Calculating Kolmogorov Complexity from the Output Frequency Distributions of Small Turing Machines. PLoS ONE. [Read online]

Vidal, M. (2014). The defective conditional in mathematics, Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics, 24(1-2), 169-179. pdf

Vidal, M. (2014). Speed up the conception of logical systems with test-driven development, Journal of Logic, Language and Information, 23(1), 83-103, pdf


Baratgin, J., Over, D. E., & Politzer, G. (2013). Uncertainty and de Finetti tables, Thinking & Reasoning, 19, 308-328. pdf

Delahaye, J. P., & Gauvrit, N. (2013). Culturomics: Le numérique et la culture. Paris : Odile Jacob.

Drouet, I., & Gauvrit, N. (2013). Causes Toujours. Les pièges de la causalité. Sofia-Antipolis : Book-e-Book.

Gauvrit, N. (2013). A propos du biais d’équiprobabilité. Recherches en Didactique des Mathématiques, 33(2), 163-182. [abstract]

Gauvrit, N. (2013). Memory and mathematical studies — A didactical-anthropological approach, by Yves Matheron. Zentralblatt MATH. [online]

Gauvrit, N. (2013). A review of Stanley Rothman’s Sandlot Stats. Learning Statistics with Baseball. Zentralblatt MATH. [online]

Gauvrit, N., Delahaye, J.-P., & Zenil, H. (2013). Sloane’s Gap. Do Mathematical and Social Factors Explain the Distribution of Numbers in the OEIS? Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, 3(1), 3-19. [online]

Soler-Toscano, F., Zenil, H., Delahaye, J.-P., Gauvrit, N. (2013). Correspondence and Independence of Numerical Evaluations of Algorithmic-theoretic Information Measures. Computability (2), 125-140. DOI 10.3233/COM-13019 [arXiv]


Gauvrit, N. (2012). Gènes et mathématiques : La génétique peut-elle présenter un intérêt pour la didactique ? Annales de Didactique et de Sciences Cognitives, 17, 9-26.

Gauvrit, N. (2012). Didactique des mathématiques et psychologie. L’impossible débat ? ANAE. Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l’Enfant, (120-21), 525-528.

Gauvrit, N., & Delahaye, J.-P. (2012). Comme par hasard ! Coïncidences et loi des séries. Sofia-Antipolis: Book-e-Book.


Gauvrit, N. (2011). Do tomatoes love music? Genodics and Proteodies. Skeptical Inquirer, 35(4), 7-8.

Gauvrit, N., & Delahaye, J.-P. (2011). Scatter and regularity implies Benford’s law… and moreIn H. Zenil (Ed.) Randomness through complexity. World Scientific. [Preprint@ arxiv:0910.1359].

Gauvrit, N., Delahaye, J. P., & Zenil, H. (2011). Le fossé de Sloane. Mathématiques et sciences humaines. Mathematics and social sciences, (194), 5-17.

Lammel, A., Gutierrez, G. E., Dugas, E. & Jamet, F. (2011) “Cultural and environmental changes: Cognitive adaptation to global warming” IACCP conference proceedings. (12 pages).


Baratgin, J., & Politzer, G. (2010). Updating: A psychologically basic situation of probability revision. Thinking & Reasoning, 16, 253-287. pdf

Baratgin, J., & Walliser, B. (2010). Sleeping Beauty and the absent-minded driver. Theory & Decision, 69, 489-496. pdf

Ducret, J.-J., F. Jamet, & E. Saada (2010). Temps, causalité et conduite du récit chez le jeune enfant, In. H. Makdissi, A. Boisclair et P. Sirois (Eds.), La littératie au préscolaire, une fenêtre ouverte pour la scolarisation, (pp. 211-241) Québec : Presses Universitaires du Québec (PUQ).

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