Jean-Louis Stilgenbauer





I primarily studied the psychology at Metz Universtity and Paris VIII University. I wrote a Master’s 1 thesis on Category-Based Induction under the supervision of Guy Politzer. Next, I obtained a DEA (Master 2) of Cognitive Science at the EHESS and I wrote my Master’s thesis on the abductive reasoning under the supervision of Guy Politzer & Paul Bourgine. I also defended a thesis under the direction of Jean Baratgin entitled: Experimental Study of Causal Reasoning Strategies in the Estimate of Diagnostic Probability: Abductive Strategy versus Defeasible Deduction Strategy


During 10 years, I’ve been interested in higher education in general and e-learning in particular. I taught cognitive psychology, statistics and experimental methodology at the distance learning Institut of Paris VIII (IED). I’m also a lecturer since 2013 at free university of philosophy and psychology (IPC) where I teach statistics, psychologie of reasoning and epistemology of cognitive sciences.


Area of interest:

I have four main points of interest :

  1. I’m in general interested in causal and non-monotonic reasoning (abduction, IBE and induction) and for the subjective probability contribution in the fields of psychology of reasoning.
  2. I’m also concerned in the nature of uncertainty (vagueness, risk, inconsistency). The concept of explanation (in psychology and epistemology) is also among my fields of interest.
  3. I’m also interested for R programming language and Bayesian statistics (the BUGS Project).
  4. Finally, I’m interested in adults with intellectual disabilities and with autistic syndrome in particular.



Articles in specialized journals with referee process


Book chapters

  • Baratgin, J., & Stilgenbauer, J.-L. (2020). Patterns of defeasible inference in causal diagnostic judgment. In R. Viale (Ed.), Handbook of Bounded Rationality. Routledge.

  • Baratgin, J., Oçak, B., Bessaa, H., &  Stilgenbauer J.-L. (2017). Updating Context in the Equation: An Experimental Argument with Eye Tracking. In M. B. Ferraro, P. Giordani, B. Vantagi, M. Gagolewski, M. Angeles Gil, P. Grzegorzewski, & O. Hryniewicz (Eds.), Soft Methods for Data Science, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 456 (pp. 25–33). Springer.


Articles in conferences with referee process

  • Baratgin, J., Oçak, B., Bessaa, H. & Stilgenbauer, J.-L. (4-6 August 2016). Natural
    updating : Evidence from eye tracking. In M. Oaksford (Chairs), Dynamic Inference.
    Symposium conducted at the International Conference on Thinking, Brown University,


Poster Presentation

  • Stilgenbauer, J-L., Baratgin, J. (2015, december). Causal conditional rules in a diagnostic and predictive judgments. The 2nd International Seminar “Paradigms in the social sciences – present and future”. PSS-2015 1-2, IPP-WPiA UJK Kielce: Poland
  • Stilgenbauer J-L. & Baratgin J. (4-6 July, 2012). Diagnostic reasoning : abduction
    vs plausible deduction. International Conference on Thinking. London : England.