I primarily studied the psychology at Metz Universtity and Paris VIII University. I wrote a Master’s 1 thesis on Category-Based Induction under the supervision of Guy Politzer. Next, I obtained a DEA (Master 2) of Cognitive Science at the EHESS and I wrote my Master’s thesis on the abductive reasoning under the supervision of Guy Politzer & Paul Bourgine. I also defended a thesis under the direction of Jean Baratgin entitled: Experimental Study of Causal Reasoning Strategies in the Estimate of Diagnostic Probability: Abductive Strategy versus Defeasible Deduction Strategy
During 10 years, I’ve been interested in higher education in general and e-learning in particular. I taught cognitive psychology, statistics and experimental methodology at the distance learning Institut of Paris VIII (IED). I’m also a lecturer since 2013 at free university of philosophy and psychology (IPC) where I teach statistics, psychologie of reasoning and epistemology of cognitive sciences.
Area of interest:
I have four main points of interest :
- I’m in general interested in causal and non-monotonic reasoning (abduction, IBE and induction) and for the subjective probability contribution in the fields of psychology of reasoning.
- I’m also concerned in the nature of uncertainty (vagueness, risk, inconsistency). The concept of explanation (in psychology and epistemology) is also among my fields of interest.
- I’m also interested for R programming language and Bayesian statistics (the BUGS Project).
- Finally, I’m interested in adults with intellectual disabilities and with autistic syndrome in particular.
Articles in specialized journals with referee process
Baratgin, J., Dubois-Sage, M., Jacquet, B., Stilgenbauer, J. L., & Jamet, F. (2020). Pragmatics in the False-Belief Task: Let the Robot Ask the Question! Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 3234.
- Stilgenbauer, J.-L., & Baratgin, J. (2019). Assessing the Accuracy of Diagnostic Probability Estimation: Evidence for Defeasible Modus Ponens. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning,105, 229-240.
- Jamet, F., Masson, O., Jacquet, B., Stilgenbauer, J.-L., & Baratgin, J. (2018). Learning by teaching with humanoid robot: a new powerful experimental tool to improve children’s learning ability. Journal of Robotics. vol. 2018, Article ID 4578762, 11 pages.
- Stilgenbauer, J.-L., & Baratgin, J. (2018). Étude des stratégies de raisonnement causal dans l’estimation de la probabilité diagnostique à travers un paradigme expérimental de production de règle. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology/Revue Canadienne de Psychologie Expérimentale, 72(1), 58–70.
- Goussé V., Czernecki V., Denis P., Stilgenbauer J.-L., Flores A., Deniau E., & Hartmann A. (2016), Impact of perceived stress and social support on coping strategies of parents having a child with Tourette syndrome, Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 30(1), 109-113.
- Conill E., Stilgenbauer J.-L.., Mouren MC., & Goussé V. (2014), Rôle de la flexibilité cognitive dans la reconnaissance d’expressions émotionnelles chez les personnes atteintes de Troubles du Spectre Autistique, Annales Médico Psychologiques, 172(5), 392-395.
- Goussé V., Stilgenbauer J.-L., Delorme R., Mouren M-C., Michel G., Leboyer M. (2009), Étude des profils cognitifs chez les apparentés de personnes avec autisme : hypothèse d’un manque de flexibilité cognitive, Annales Médico Psychologiques, Volume 167, Numéro 9, Pages 704-708.
Book chapters
Baratgin, J., & Stilgenbauer, J.-L. (2020). Patterns of defeasible inference in causal diagnostic judgment. In R. Viale (Ed.), Handbook of Bounded Rationality. Routledge.
- Baratgin, J., Oçak, B., Bessaa, H., & Stilgenbauer J.-L. (2017). Updating Context in the Equation: An Experimental Argument with Eye Tracking. In M. B. Ferraro, P. Giordani, B. Vantagi, M. Gagolewski, M. Angeles Gil, P. Grzegorzewski, & O. Hryniewicz (Eds.), Soft Methods for Data Science, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 456 (pp. 25–33). Springer.
Articles in conferences with referee process
- Stilgenbauer, J.-L., Baratgin, J., & Douven, I. (2017). Reasoning strategies for diagnostic probability estimates in causal contexts: Preference for defeasible deduction over abduction. Fourth International Workshop on Defeasible and Ampliative Reasoning (DARe) 2017 (July 3 2017.), International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasonin (LPNMR) 2017. Espoo, Finland.
- Baratgin, J., Oçak, B., Bessaa, H., & Stilgenbauer, J.-L. (2017). Updating context in the equation : An experimental argument. In SMPS16 (Ed.), The 8th International Conference on Soft Probability and Statistics. Rome: Italy.
- Baratgin, J., Oçak, B., Bessaa, H. & Stilgenbauer, J.-L. (4-6 August 2016). Natural
updating : Evidence from eye tracking. In M. Oaksford (Chairs), Dynamic Inference.
Symposium conducted at the International Conference on Thinking, Brown University,
Poster Presentation
- Stilgenbauer, J-L., Baratgin, J. (2015, december). Causal conditional rules in a diagnostic and predictive judgments. The 2nd International Seminar “Paradigms in the social sciences – present and future”. PSS-2015 1-2, IPP-WPiA UJK Kielce: Poland
- Stilgenbauer J-L. & Baratgin J. (4-6 July, 2012). Diagnostic reasoning : abduction
vs plausible deduction. International Conference on Thinking. London : England.
- Goussé, V., Hagi, A., Stilgenbauer, J.-L., & Delorme, R. (2011). Lack of mental flexibility a endophenotype in autism spectrum disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder families. In European Congress of Psychiatry. Vienna: Austria.