Léa Lachaud

Curriculum :

I am a PHD student in cognitive psychology at Paris 8 University and ESPCI-Paris. My thesis, focused on the links between the attention span and motivation in learning context, is co-directed by Jean Baratgin, François Vialatte and Charles Tijus. Before, I studied philosophy of sciences at Bordeaux III University and Sorbonne University (Paris I). I wrote my master thesis of philosophy on the Role of imagination in the construction of the body’s image under the supervision of Jean Gayon (Paris I). I then studied cognitive psychology at Paris 8 University. My master thesis of psychology under the supervision of François Vialatte (ESPCI-Paris) and Farid El Massioui (Paris XIII) is focused on the Modification of perceptual salience and the attention in mindfulness.

Position :

Currently I work on my thesis between the laboratory of CHArt-Lutin (cognitive psychology) and the laboratoy of ESCPI-Paris (neuro engineering). I also work on the project « Eiffel-a » at CHArt-Lutin that consists in improving the user experience of a Mooc platform.

Area of interest :

  • Attention and decision making
  • Reasoning
  • Perception
  • Mindfulness


Conferences  :

  1. Lachaud, L., Vialatte, F. (2017, juin). Pleine conscience, du biais perceptif au biais de jugement. Communication présentée au colloque Conscience et Droit, Paris.
  1. Lachaud, L., Baratgin, J., Tijus, C., Vialatte, F. (2018, avril). Influence of Mindfulness Practices on Manipulated Choices through a Choice Blindness Experiment. Communication présentée au colloque The question of rationality in reasoning and decision-making, Paris

Chapitre d’ouvrage /book chapter:

  1. Lachaud, L., Vialatte, F. (2017). Pleine conscience, du biais perceptif au biais de jugement. Dans F. Jouen, C. Puygelier, C. Tijus, Conscience et Droit : conscience du droit et droit de la conscience. Paris, France : Mare & Martin.

Article à soumettre prochainement /to submit soon:

  1. Lachaud, L., Baratgin, J., Masson, O., Vialatte, F. (2018). Influence of Mindfulness Practices on Manipulated Choices through a Choice Blindness Experiment. Manuscrit soumis pour publication.