Curriculum :
I am a PHD student in cognitive psychology at Paris 8 University and ESPCI-Paris. My thesis, focused on the links between the attention span and motivation in learning context, is co-directed by Jean Baratgin, François Vialatte and Charles Tijus. Before, I studied philosophy of sciences at Bordeaux III University and Sorbonne University (Paris I). I wrote my master thesis of philosophy on the Role of imagination in the construction of the body’s image under the supervision of Jean Gayon (Paris I). I then studied cognitive psychology at Paris 8 University. My master thesis of psychology under the supervision of François Vialatte (ESPCI-Paris) and Farid El Massioui (Paris XIII) is focused on the Modification of perceptual salience and the attention in mindfulness.
Position :
Currently I work on my thesis between the laboratory of CHArt-Lutin (cognitive psychology) and the laboratoy of ESCPI-Paris (neuro engineering). I also work on the project « Eiffel-a » at CHArt-Lutin that consists in improving the user experience of a Mooc platform.
Area of interest :
- Attention and decision making
- Reasoning
- Perception
- Mindfulness
Conferences :
- Lachaud, L., Vialatte, F. (2017, juin). Pleine conscience, du biais perceptif au biais de jugement. Communication présentée au colloque Conscience et Droit, Paris.
- Lachaud, L., Baratgin, J., Tijus, C., Vialatte, F. (2018, avril). Influence of Mindfulness Practices on Manipulated Choices through a Choice Blindness Experiment. Communication présentée au colloque The question of rationality in reasoning and decision-making, Paris
Chapitre d’ouvrage /book chapter:
- Lachaud, L., Vialatte, F. (2017). Pleine conscience, du biais perceptif au biais de jugement. Dans F. Jouen, C. Puygelier, C. Tijus, Conscience et Droit : conscience du droit et droit de la conscience. Paris, France : Mare & Martin.
Article à soumettre prochainement /to submit soon:
- Lachaud, L., Baratgin, J., Masson, O., Vialatte, F. (2018). Influence of Mindfulness Practices on Manipulated Choices through a Choice Blindness Experiment. Manuscrit soumis pour publication.