
P-A-R-I-S is a research team studying human thinking and reasoning.

‘P-A-R-I-S’ stands for Probabilité, Anticipation, Raisonnement, Inférence et Substrat in French, and for Probability, Assessment, Reasoning and Inferences Studies in English. Its objective is to develop psychological researches in the field of the real meaning of natural reasoning and human rationality. Our studies are at the junction between psychology, philosophy, behavioral economics and cognitives sciences. Our interests range from theoretical studies (e.g. non-classical logics, …) to concrete applications in education or in society (e.g. e-learning, nudges, …). We strongly encourage collaborations with other academic groups worlwide.

The P-A-R-I-S team is located in Paris. The group belongs to CHART, a joint laboratory of Paris-8-Saint-Denis University, Paris-10-Nanterre University, Paris-12 University and EPHE (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes).

P-A-R-I-S as a group was created in june 2013, and officially launched in september 2013.